Babies develop and change rapidly during the first few months of life. Although every baby's growth is unique and individual, it is important to pay attention to whether a baby is meeting the normal developmental milestones for its age. A baby whose physical growth or skill development is not progressing normally may have a physical or mental challenge that requires intervention. By the age of 2 months old, there are several skills and growth patterns that a baby should achieve.
Physical Growth
During the first few months of life, most babies gain between 1 and 2 lbs. per month, so a 2-month-old baby will weigh at least 1 lb. more than he did at birth, according to He likely will also be approximately 1 to 1.5 inches longer than his birth length. Pediatricians compare babies to growth chart averages, which show the average weights and lengths for babies of the same age. According to, the median weight for a 2-month-old is approximately 12.5 lbs. for a boy and 11.53 lbs. for a girl. However, the most important consideration is not where the baby falls on the growth chart but rather whether he is following a normal curve for growth compared to his own birth weight.
Very young babies prefer to look at simple objects with one or two bright colors. By the age of 2 months, most babies begin to be interested in more complicated objects. They may enjoy looking at patterns of stripes or plaids in bright, contrasting colors.
Most 2-month-olds can recognize the sound of familiar voices. They can turn their eyes to identify the source of new sounds, and will probably startle at loud or sudden sounds. If your 2-month-old does not react to sounds, you should consider having her hearing tested.
Motor Abilities
Although a 2-month-old does not have much control over his limbs yet, his movements become less jerky and more coordinated than they were at birth. He may enjoy lying on the floor and practicing moving his arms and legs. By the end of the second month, he might have gained enough control of his hands to put them in his mouth. He is beginning to gain head control and might be able to lift his head while lying on his stomach or hold his head up while a parent helps him sit upright. He might also be able to roll from side to back.
Social Development
During her second month of life, a baby might begin to smile at her parents and other familiar faces. She might hold her arms out when an adult reaches to pick her up. She might also prefer familiar people, although this age is a good time to introduce new caregivers, as she will become familiar with them quickly.
Most 2-month-old babies still wake in the middle of the night. However, by this age a baby is probably beginning to sleep in longer stretches at a time. He may sleep for four hours at a time instead of only two, and he can be awake for as much as 10 hours total in a 24-hour period. Although most babies at this age are not ready to sleep five or six hours at night, two months is a good time to introduce a soothing bedtime routine that helps calm the baby and prepare him for sleep. Over time, the routine will help him learn to settle into sleep more easily, and it will help him begin to distinguish between night and day.